Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Businesses in the UK

At Prostar Packaging LTD, we offer sustainable packaging solutions to businesses across the UK. With our expertise, we can provide packaging solutions tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and discover how our services can elevate your brand.

Package Research Advisory Services

Comprehensive research services to understand your product, distribution methods, and industry challenges. Our expert advisors provide tailored advice to optimise your packaging strategies and overcome any weaknesses in your current processes.

Packaging Design Solutions

Using our knowledge and experience we offer the full spectrum of packaging materials. We liaise with you at all stages of the design process to ensure we offer you the perfect solutions.

Packaging Built for Your Business

EPR policies aim to reduce waste and promote sustainable production by holding producers accountable for the environmental impact of their products. This means that producers must take measures to reduce the environmental impact of their products from the design phase to the end of their useful life.

The goal of EPR is to promote the development of sustainable production systems and to encourage the use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies. EPR policies can also create economic opportunities and new jobs in the recycling and waste management sectors.

How will EPR affect my operation?

The direction expresses that this change will affect all UK organisations that handle or supply packaging.

The actions that will need to be taken all depend on the size of your business, however, you must take action to comply if all the following apply:

  • You’re an individual business, subsidiary, or group (but not a charity).
  • You have an annual turnover of £1 million or more (based on your most recent annual accounts).
  • You were responsible for more than 25 tonnes of packaging in 2022.
  • Your organisation delivers goods in any kind of packaging to an end user who will dispose of that packaging, you may need to collect and report on packaging data.